And A Happy New Year!

So while 2015 is still fresh and wishing everyone a happy new year hasn’t reached it’s cut off date yet, it’s time for a new post! Looking back on 2014 I have realized how much progressed I have made and just how much I have accomplished without even realizing it. In this new year I have a few personal goals for myself that I started before the year ended and wanted to bring into this new chapter of life! So here goes my list:

  1. Get fit! I’ve started the infamous “Squat Challenge” and boy are my legs killing me right now. As well as getting fit, i’m trying to eat healthier and get my mind in a healthy place as well. Mind and body go hand in hand.
  2. Learn Spanish. I know I said this last year, but I really want to be serious about it this year. I have no excuse, last year was my warmup!
  3. Make time for me! I feel like I do so much for everyone and put everyone ahead of myself, I need to make a conscious effort to make some time for Jordy.
  4. Get dressed up more! When you look good, you feel good. And I need to stop looking like a bum! I am a hairstylist for goodness’ sake! Time to start looking like it!
  5. And last but not least, I need to be happy. It’s so easy to let the little things get you down and not appreciate the positivity that is all around us. I need to open my eyes and see just how great life really is.

So that’s it for my “New Year, New Me” goals! What do you guys have as goals for this new year?

-XOXO, Jordy
